What Is Your Family Up To Lately?

Have you been geocaching ??????
Been rock climbing anywhere ??????
Seen a good movie you want to share with us ??????
Tried out somewhere new to eat ??????
Been sick in bed ??????
Or just sitting around lately pondering all that is lovely and good in your life ??????
We'd all love to hear what you and your families have been up to lately! Just a few that I know of - Bryce is starting up a business of teeth whitening products (so call and set up your time so you can be one of his first customers and support him!), Scott is off to Mexico again in a few weeks to work with Pygmy Owls (Hopefully NO federallies this time!), Sydney, Gaylene and Konrad have birthday's this month, the Arizona school age kids get a 2 day "Rodeo Break" Holiday here at the end of the month, mom was busy preparing for a RS class this past week, dad was getting over a cold...SO let us know what your up to. We'd all love to know what's going on in your world (even if your just sitting around and pondering!) Need a pick me up this week or just a good laugh...try this link and watch this cute video - it's sure to put a smile on your face! Love to you all:)