Tucson Richardson Update!
Our biggest excitment came on May 20th, when Jessica graduated from Mountain View High School. She ranked #11 in her class of over 500 seniors. We are so proud of her! The white collar that Mariah & Jess have on are for National Honor Society (thank goodness she takes after her dad!)
A BIG thanks to everyone who was able to make it for her graduation. We had fun visiting with everyone and catching up. We know some of you had a long trip getting here and back...and we appreciate you being here on her day.
Scott, Jake & I had a weekend camp out on Mount Lemon. We enjoyed the cooler weather since we are now in the triple digits here. It was beautiful, green, and lush, and the fishing was AMAZING!
I helped with a wedding cake last weekend. It was a beautiful reception!
We also enjoyed as a family attending Jessica's Seminary Graduation on May 16th. It completed a really nice day for her. She, Scott, & Jake attended the Youth Baptism Day at the Mesa Temple in the early afternoon. While Scott was there in the Temple, the Temple President came up and asked him if he could help a family there doing work. After he helped...the father asked Scott if he was related to a McCluskey. He said yes, and told him that he thought he looked familiar. It only took a moment Scott said, because he looked so much like his father, Elliott. It happened to be one of the Monroe boy's. A small world isn't it...and what a beautiful place to be able to see friends, family and catch up! We hope all is well in your worlds and hope to see updates from you all! Kendra & Family