Kyle said he sent everyone a text message saying Lori came home late yesterday afternoon...but I have received a few phone calls and texts from a few of you that wanted an I thought I'd post some pictures of what's going on here & give you the latest update.
So enjoy and please keep Lori, Kyle, and kiddos in your prayers...she still has a long road ahead of her!
All my love - especially tomorrow - XOXO

Delaney on Thursday morning before she headed off to a play date with her friend Lucy. She had her Valentine Day party the day before and was showing me a card a little boy had given her.

Lori about died when she came home from the hospital and saw how I let Chloe get dressed for school! She has her very own style that she is very proud of! Here she is showing off her picture and story of The Tale of Despereaux that she wrote and drew in school.

This is a picture of Delaney running out to the garage when she heard Chloe yell "Mommy's Home!!!!" The kids were all SO EXCITED to see her.

Kyle & AJ unloading bags from the hospital and the supplies they sent home for Lori.

Lori came in the house and visited with the kids. She was glad to get home and see her family. She enjoyed sleeping in her own bed and kyle slept a lot better too!
This is a picture of Baylee & Chloe's Valentine Day party loot. They both had great parties and Baylee even took a special something (treat) over to a SPECIAL SOMEONE and left it with a note on his door step.
UPDATE TODAY: Lori is doing well. She is tired and still in quite a bit of pain. I found out that she has kidney stones in both her kidneys, not just in her left one. It looks like she'll be having them blasted within the next week or two. The gall stones will be the last to be taken care of. She has not run a fever since being home, and her infection is doing better. All the girls attended a Primary Activity Day today and then went for a couple of hours to play with a friend who was here visiting from California. While they were gone over there, Kyle had me take AJ to go see Percy Jackson & the Lightning Thief. Tonight a family in their ward brought over In & Out and ate dinner with us and visited for about an hour. The kids are all getting ready for bed now.
The Queen Creek McCluskey's send you their love.