I have personally enjoyed the messages that have been shared this weekend with us by our leaders and Prophet.

Believe it or not...the kids and conference sessions went well. We haven't required them to watch Saturday sessions yet, but Scott & I have it on or tape it (we were gone to Jake's game for the second Sat. session and Jessica went to take the SAT's again...don't know why since she had a terrific score!) But they both sit with us as a family and watch both Sunday sessions. As they get older - it's been nicer. I remember when we first started this...I thought I'd pull all my hair out, what''s left of it! But now they ask questions, know who General Authorties are or stories about them, etc.

This is our dog Zoe. She's a wonderful pet and I personally have become very attached to her. Actually come to think of it...I'm attached to all our pets because I'm the one that feeds them, cares for them, and loves them since my kids don't! (Not Jake's snake or lizard though. I will remind him when they need to eat or have water!) Anyways...back to zoe. She's had a rough time the past few weeks with allergies and shedding/itching. So this picture was taken about 45 minutes after we gave her 2 kids benadrills in a see's raspberry chocolate. She had a few hours of relief! (For all those wondering...the vet said it was okay, although she'd probably be upset to hear we give it in chocolate! And yes...she's still alive!)

Our Usual "In-Between-Conference" omletets & hash browns with all the fixings. We also had cinnamon rolls before the first session and yummy Pumpkin Bars after the last session of conference. We hope you all had a wonderful Conference weekend!
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