I can't believe that it's November already. It seems like the months are flying by! The kids are all coming down from their weekend sugar high now that Halloween is over and the costumes put away for another year. It's about this time of the year I get that urge to blow right over Thanksgiving and start decorating for Christmas. Bring on the carols of sweet christmas music, let's start baking goodies that we can take to friends and nibble on, decorating the tree, wrapping presents & drinking eggnog! Okay ... I'll pass on the latter, not really into egg nog!
But really, Christmas decorations have been out in the stores for months now! That means it's time to start dragging out those boxes from the garage and asking your honey for all those "honey do's"! RIGHT???
Well, maybe not just yet! As we start to get pulled into that "commercial snare" of the Holiday's, I hope you'll take the time to slow down, relax, take a deep breath, and share with your family how we can live with a spirit of Thanksgiving and Gratefulness each day. Even Charlie, Snoopie and the gang find things to be grateful for! How hard can it be?
Not hard at all! Just a minute or two of your time to aknowledge what your grateful for.

I was blog hopping the other day and saw this quote - which I loved!
In this woman's blog she also shared a list of "20 Little Attitudes of Gratitudes".
I thought this would be an exceptional way for me to start off my November of Thanks! I'll share a few from my list with you...
6. Notice when others do kind things for me, show my gratitude by action or words.
10. Verbalize what I am grateful for when I feel like complaining about life or my circumstances. Always remember that there are less fortunate.
11. Remember to thank Heavenly Father for blessings each day, especially on those day's I feel doubtful.
14. Lift the burden on someone else's shoulders to show them I care and am there for them always.
20. Let my family, immediate and extended, know how grateful I am for each of them and the blessings and examples they are to me in my life.

I am so very grateful for each of you. For the plan of salvation, and knowing that we are an Eternal family. I hope you'll all take a minute and ponder your gratitude list in the upcoming weeks and that your November will be filled with warmth, love, genorsity, and kindness. I hope you'll all take this idea and turn it into a FHE. Make a "Family Gratitude List" and hang it on your fridge where the kids can see it. Have younger ones draw pictures of what they are grateful for. Share these scriptures: D&C 59:7, 1 Thessalonians 5:18, and Moshiah 26:39
I truly am grateful for each of you! And even though I won't be sitting at your table this year eating turkey with you, I am thinking of you, and I'm grateful for the knowledge that we are an Eternal family.
Love and blessings to you all,
But really, Christmas decorations have been out in the stores for months now! That means it's time to start dragging out those boxes from the garage and asking your honey for all those "honey do's"! RIGHT???
Well, maybe not just yet! As we start to get pulled into that "commercial snare" of the Holiday's, I hope you'll take the time to slow down, relax, take a deep breath, and share with your family how we can live with a spirit of Thanksgiving and Gratefulness each day. Even Charlie, Snoopie and the gang find things to be grateful for! How hard can it be?
Not hard at all! Just a minute or two of your time to aknowledge what your grateful for.

I was blog hopping the other day and saw this quote - which I loved!
In this woman's blog she also shared a list of "20 Little Attitudes of Gratitudes".
I thought this would be an exceptional way for me to start off my November of Thanks! I'll share a few from my list with you...
6. Notice when others do kind things for me, show my gratitude by action or words.
10. Verbalize what I am grateful for when I feel like complaining about life or my circumstances. Always remember that there are less fortunate.
11. Remember to thank Heavenly Father for blessings each day, especially on those day's I feel doubtful.
14. Lift the burden on someone else's shoulders to show them I care and am there for them always.
20. Let my family, immediate and extended, know how grateful I am for each of them and the blessings and examples they are to me in my life.

I am so very grateful for each of you. For the plan of salvation, and knowing that we are an Eternal family. I hope you'll all take a minute and ponder your gratitude list in the upcoming weeks and that your November will be filled with warmth, love, genorsity, and kindness. I hope you'll all take this idea and turn it into a FHE. Make a "Family Gratitude List" and hang it on your fridge where the kids can see it. Have younger ones draw pictures of what they are grateful for. Share these scriptures: D&C 59:7, 1 Thessalonians 5:18, and Moshiah 26:39
I truly am grateful for each of you! And even though I won't be sitting at your table this year eating turkey with you, I am thinking of you, and I'm grateful for the knowledge that we are an Eternal family.
Love and blessings to you all,
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