Cookie & Court of Honor Fun!
1/2 C butter
1 1/2 C brown sugar
2 eggs
1 tsp. vanilla
3 C sifted flour
1 tsp. soda
1/2 tsp. baking powder
1/4 tsp. salt
1 C sour cream
Cream butter & sugar well. Add eggs in one at a time. Add vanilla. Sift all dry ingredients together and add alternating with sour cream, to creamed mixture. Drop by teaspoons full onto greased cookie sheet (I used Non- stck foil). Bake at 350 degrees for about 12 minutes. (I did 7 to 8 minutes). Makes approx. 6 doz. So these are great cookies to make for home teaching or visiting teaching treats, because you have enough for everyone!
3 tablespoons butter (softened), add 1 Tblspn. milk and 1/2 tsp. vanilla. Mix well - then add 1 1/2 C powdered sugar. Mix in ( I did this all with a fork) Ice cookies. Let set so frosting can set up. ENJOY!
Scott is the second counselor in the Young Men's presidency and also the Scoutmaster. At last night's court of honor - Jake received his Plumbing merit badge - Scott was going to make some joke about a plumbers crack...but thank goodness, he didn't! He has a few more badges he's trying to complete and trying to narrow down project ideas for his Eagle! (He knows he can't drive without his eagle!) INCENTIVE!!!!
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